Develop innovative solutions by tapping into heart coherence.

For over a decade, Peopleside and Nimble Up founder, Rebecca Sanchez, has used the HeartMath Institute’s tools and techniques to help herself, individuals and teams manage stress and tap into internal creative intelligence.

HeartMath’s ® scientifically validated methods enable individuals and teams to sharpen their mental clarity, find emotional balance, and build resilience, creating the space for success in decision-making, communication, and overall performance.

HeartMath® makes it simple to cultivate a workplace where stress takes a backseat, productivity thrives, and teamwork blossoms like a well-tended garden.

Curious about the science? Learn more about HeartMath® here.

Build Your Resilience.

We incorporate HeartMath® techniques into all of our sessions to guide individuals and teams in accessing their intuitive intelligence, facilitating improved problem-solving skills and decision-making processes.

The most common way we do this is by introducing a straightforward HeartMath® exercise in the session to realign focus on the meeting agenda, promoting greater attentiveness and collaboration among participants.

Learn how to improve your resilience through Peopleside’s Resilience Guide.

Why our Founder uses HeartMath® daily.

“HeartMath techniques changed my life. I had to become a Certified Trainer to share this with the world.”

- Rebecca Sanchez, Founder of Peopleside and Nimble Up

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Elevate your well-being with our one-on-one coaching.

Join a group to learn and apply the HeartMath® tools and techniques.

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“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

- Viktor E. Frankl, Austrian Psychiatrist and Neurologist